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Take advantage of the federal tax break with no tax on all print books until February 15!
Take advantage of the federal tax break with no tax on all print books until February 15!

21Five Product Submissions

21Five Product Submissions

21Five considers thousands of products for the Christian marketplace each year and curates a collection of the best gospel-centred, God-glorifying books and products. This unique collection explores and reflects the Reformed tradition broadly and is marked by a commitment to the authority of scripture and an emphasis on the Lordship of Jesus Christ over all of creation. If your product fits this description, we may consider it.

What kinds of books is 21Five most interested in?

Nonfiction books that help others deepen their faith and embody it in all areas of life, reflecting the hope and love of Jesus Christ in their relationships, churches and communities.

What kinds of books is 21Five not interested in?

Fiction, exposés of well-known Christians, books affiliated with or promoting specific political platforms or parties, end-times or prophecy books, self-published works and tracts.

Who can submit a book for sale at 21Five?

Due to the number of new resources created each year, 21Five Christian Bookstore can only accept print products that are published by a traditional publisher with which we have an established working relationship. Print products must be presented through the publisher’s or distributor’s designated sales representative and not by the author or author’s representative. Any products sent to 21Five outside of these guidelines will not be reviewed and samples will not be returned.

How do I submit a product for sale with 21Five?

The preferred submittal procedure for any product is to send an email to Please include a description and images of your product, pricing information, and distribution method with your email. Any samples mailed to 21Five will not be returned.

Will 21Five respond to my email query?

We will respond if the product meets the above criteria. If you have not heard from us within six weeks, we have decided not to inquire further or carry your product. All inquiries as to the status of your proposal should be made by e-mail. No phone calls, please.