Pathway to Prayer: Encouragements to Pray from Voices of the Past
A glorious treasure trove of encouragement, that we might grow closer to God in prayer
- More than 500 of the best quotes on prayer
- From 106 Christian writers spanning 17 centuries
- Plus more than 180 Bible verses
- Painstakingly curated, organized, and assembled into 50 practical and theological topics
Learn directly from the hard-won wisdom of many of the most devoted, prayerful Christians throughout church history. People who often struggled to pray but nevertheless pressed on in faith, confident that God would meet them, mature them, and guide them in his perfect will.
Classic writers such as Thomas Brooks, Richard Baxter, William Gurnall, Oliver Heywood, Octavius Winslow, Horatius Bonar, C.H. Spurgeon, J.C. Ryle, Andrew Murray, and many more.
“This is a book to read slowly and meditatively, as each quotation is a sword to cut down our pride, a burning coal to ignite our hearts with holy desire, and a compass to direct us in the way of communion with God.”
—Dr. Joel R. Beeke, President, Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary
“As I made mark after mark on my copy, the passages made mark after mark on my own soul. I was being changed. I’m pretty sure I’m not the only one who desperately needs the transforming encouragements of this book.”
—J.D. Crowley, Missionary, Linguist, Author
“I have often thought it would be a good idea to compile a collection of quotes from godly saints of the past on the topic of prayer specifically. Pathway to Prayer is exactly what I had in mind, beautifully and comprehensively realized. Let us have the humility to recognize our poverty in this vital Christian virtue and seek by God’s help to recover that which has largely been lost.”
—Steven Lee, Founder, Sermon Audio
“I encourage you to read this book with patience and understand each of these paragraphs or sentences to be a brief but dense summary of truth that will lead you deeper into your relationship with the Lord who commands and invites us to pray.”
—Tim Challies, author, pastor, blogger